Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Chickens Have Landed

The lovely Pam of Fenland Fowl came today and brought us four young bantams.

We have a Maran, a Hamburgh, a Wyandotte and a Leghorn x Legbar cross. So far we've not named them, but they've settled in well and managed to ignore the scrutiny of our cats and William (who was more interested in banging on the coup).

In a few weeks' time they should start to give us multi-coloured eggs - very dark brown from the Maran, blue-green from the Leghorn x legbar cross and brown and white from the Wyandotte and Hamburgh. Now we've just got to look up all of our best recipes. Hopefully some of them will include courgettes as the veggie patch is making a last stand before Autumn and we can't pick them fast enough.Posted by Picasa

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